Medicine for the poor. With a list of available drugs. Unrecorded.
[Medicine] / G. Bonuccelli. Regolamento da servire di norma nella distribuzione dei medicinali che si somministrano agli’ indigenti. Lucca: Presso Francesco Bertini Sttmpator [sic] Ducale, 1819. 4to [22.3 x 16.4 cm], 19 pp, [1] p. blank verso. Stab-stitched, uncut. Creased, minor spotting and toning. Well preserved.
Unrecorded internal document governing policies for the distribution of free medicine to the poor (“indigenti,” “miserabili,” “poveri”) at the Ospedale di S. Luca in Lucca.
The regulations, presented in 12 articoli, are addressed to the pharmacists of the hospital and deal with rules for drug preparation, the distribution of medicine to doctors and surgeons for use in both town and country, and patient record keeping. Exceptional cases are noted, e.g., the use of olive oil during pregnancy and in childbirth.
There follows an alphabetized list containing more than 175 drugs (many with their Linnean nomenclature), including exotics such as “China peruviana in polvere” “Fungo di Levante,” “Guajaco,” “Saspariglia,” “Sangue di Drago,” “Tamarindi.” The pamphlet closes with additional annotations on certain medicinal preparations.
The text is signed by G. Bonuccelli (Il Presidente del Comitato) and A. Parrini (Segretario).
This work is not located by ICCU/OPAC, OCLC or KVK.
*L. Lazzerini, L’ospedale della Repubblica S. Luca nella Lucca moderna; G. B. Giordano, L’amministrazione dello Spedale di S. Luca della misericordia dal 1747 al 1782.